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BRAND PACKAGE: Christy Amash

2020_ KDSheets Photography_ Christy Head

Christy is a life organizer and the owner of Enough! Professional Organizing. I remember the first time I met Christy - I knew she would be a wonderful person to work with. As she talked about the inspiration behind her company, I very quickly started to see ideas develop in my mind for where this would go. I couldn't wait to put the pieces together! She described her brand designs as being feminine, clean, and earthy. This was most certainly put into the color scheme she has now. And throughout the whole process, I very much enjoyed helping Christy create her brand from the ground up! We designed everything from her new logo and headshots to social media designs. Take a look at it all below! This new brand is going big places. 

2020_ Enough! Professional Organizing_ C

To see Christy's branding in action visit her social media handles here: 

Do you know what makes a new brand so exciting to create? For me, it’s capturing the heart and soul of your business. Then taking your unique message and putting it into stunning photos and graphics that help you stand out online! Contact me here to get started on your own brand. 

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